I've just noticed that Jim Carrey and his actress daughter Jane have a facial feature in common.
If you look closely at the two photos, you will notice the similarity in the upper facial structure.
I personally wonder though, if Jane can duplicate her father's trademark goofy grin.
Get your Jim Carrey customised painting today
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Jim Carrie and Daughter Jane Carrie
Posted by
Don Francis
6:42 AM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Quality Personalised Painting Testimonials
Ashley really feels that our painting is a fabulous and unique gift, as well as a wonderful representation of the original photograph. She also promises to recommend our painting service to friends and family and says our work is sure to become an heirloom.
Tracy was also greatly impressed and satisfied with the quality of the wedding anniversary portrait we did for her. She feels the price she paid was great for the quality she received.
She also says she would recommend paintyourlife to anyone.
Posted by
Don Francis
10:29 AM
Massachusets: Denise's Gift Painting Testimony
Denise was quite impressed because she received the painting only a day after it was shipped.
She was impressed with the quick service as well as with the quality of the painting.She was also impressed with the quality of customer service displayed through the online chat mechanism as the response was quick and met her needs accurately.
She got quick proofs within 24 Hours for every revision she requested.
The Portrait she did was of her daughter. Now, because she's so impressed, She going to do one of her dog that died recently.
Enjoy this premium Gift Photo to Portrait Service Now.
Posted by
Don Francis
10:19 AM
Alex's Parent's Wedding Anniversary
Alexander, a college student, wanted to know if it was expected for him to give his parents a present for their 20 year wedding anniversary.
I will say it depends on ther culture in which you were raised Alex, Different cultures celebrate wedding anniversaries differently.Some cultures believe it is purely between man and wife, others cultures say all family should get involved.
Being that you are in School, your parents may not expect a gift, but they would at least expect a call, which would:
- Let them know you remembered their day and actually thought of them
- Could be seen as a way of saying thanks for everything and all
- Like sayings Congrats to them for loving each other so much and helping you believe in love.
Posted by
Don Francis
8:48 AM
Clint Eastwood Portrait Solves Kenny's 3rd Anniversary Gift Problem
Kenny's wife's been finding it so hard to do house chores since she started working again. So, he is contemplating buying her a vacuum cleaner.
One of Kenny's female friends believes his heart is in the right place but that he should never get a woman a vacuum cleaner as an anniversary present.
She recalls her dad once got her mum a vacuum cleaner as an anniversary present, only to see a very dissapointed look in her face. Her dad had to go look for another present.
Kenny's friend advised him to go for something more memorable, something involving him and his wife.
Kenny stumbled upon a portrait of actor Clint Eastwood made from a photograph and he promptly ordered a personalised anniversary portrait online!
Posted by
Don Francis
8:04 AM
Monday, December 7, 2009
Portrait of George Clooney, anyone?
I first got to watch George Clooney act up close in Solaris.
It seems everybody wants this guy to act the killer all of a sudden.
In the movie "The men who stare at goats" and the one after that, he plays the role of a trained killer.
Doesn't this all conflict with his perfect gentleman image and looks, particularly with Darfur activism and all that?
We do believe this is one case in which life will not imitate art!
For all you George Clooney fans, it is possible to get a portrait of Clooney from this picture, or any other for that matter. Visit the photo to painting site.
Posted by
Don Francis
9:57 AM
Labels: anyone?, Portrait of George Clooney
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Madonna and Lourdes Photo to Portrait
Madonna, it seems, is a tough mother, who wont let her kids watch television.
Nevertheless, she says she wants her kids to grow up to be rebels.
Contradiction, anyone?
What seems to be good going for her is that she seems to be connecting well with her kids, at least her daughter Lourdes seems to be a happy kid.
For all you Madonna fans, it is possible to get a portrait of her from this picture, or any other for that matter. Visit the photo to painting site.
Now why o why mummy don't you want us to watch TV. So we won't be shocked by your raunchy past?!!
Posted by
Don Francis
6:51 AM
Madonna Photo Good for Painting
This Photograph, it would seem, was taken on occasion of Madonna, on a plane, injecting herself with vitamins after apparently not eating for at least 7 hours.
Well, first of all, I'm hoping the stuff she was shooting was vitamins. Hey, but then, even if it was, isn't food i.e. fruits and vegetables, supposed to contain vitamins?
These vitamin shots are supposed to be energy boosters. I'd like to hear a Doctor's opinion on that.
Does all this have anything to do with that Kaballah stuff?
Anyone need a Christmas Gift Painting of Madonna?Visit the Photo to Painting site.
Posted by
Don Francis
4:41 AM
Labels: Madonna Photo Good for Painting
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Gift Photo to Painting: Brad Pitt
Without doubt Brad Pitt is one of the best looking guys, at least in Showbiz.
I've looked at many photographs and I've never seen him look ugly, though one drunken woman may disagree!!
I've often worried about marriages between Good looking guys and girls, but his marriage to Angelina seems to be doing just fine thank you!
But I particularly like his picture when in shades, which also confirms his dress sense.
More elbows to ur grease Brad!
This photograph of Brad will make a great Gift Painting to Brad Pitt fans anywhere.
Posted by
Don Francis
7:03 AM
Friday, November 27, 2009
Life Painting For Christy
Christy ordered a live painting of her 2 dogs for the last Valentine's Day. The paintings came on time and Christy was greatly impressed at the painting's quality and detail. She was amazed at the job.
Posted by
Don Francis
10:37 AM
Labels: Life Painting For Christy
Monday, November 23, 2009
Funny Dog Photo to Portrait
Now I just saw a funny dog picture that would not make a great portrait!
First I coulda sworn it was a croc, ie an albino Croc
Turns out it is a very happy labrador.
A bad position can ruin your reputation.
This dog looks a lot more dangerous than it actually is
Posted by
Don Francis
12:07 PM
Labels: Funny Dog Photo to Portrait
Anyone need a Labrador Painting?
The Labrador is one of the most popular dogs in America and even worldwide.
They are very tame, and can be very helpful in times of danger.
I think I like the darker ones though!
You may want to make a portrait out of a Photograph of your Labrador!
Posted by
Don Francis
11:51 AM
Labels: Anyone need a Labrador Painting?
Friday, November 20, 2009
Edgar Gillham's Photo and Painting Story
Ed lost a valuable self portrait when changing houses. He was shattered and wondered what to do.
Happily, he came to us and we were able to paint him an exact copy from a photograph he had made of that earlier painting.
Ed complemented us for a flawless job. He was impressed by our competence, co-operation and says we cut no corners.
Glad to be of service, Ed!
Posted by
Don Francis
10:17 AM
Greg Hall's Photo to Painting Testimony
Greg felt that our painting of his daughter and his pet together was simply incredible. He felt the resemblance was amazing and the painting looked just like his girl.
He says everything about our service exceeded his expectations.
He says he is our committed customer and intends to have two other pets paintedby us in the near future.
We expect to get good referrals through Greg.
Posted by
Don Francis
10:10 AM
Chris Elliot's Photo to Painting Testimony
Chris is thanking the photo to painting experts for the beautiful baby portrait we created for him. He says the painting turned out just perfectly and the parents of the baby really loved it.
Posted by
Don Francis
10:03 AM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Photo to Portrait: Kanye Life like Photo
I just saw a Kanye West Photograph that i think will look great as a painting.
It features Kanye carrying a travelling bag against a lush green country home background.
Posted by
Don Francis
2:42 AM
Sarah Palin Oprah Photo
Also featured are Palin's daughters Piper And Willow
Looking forward to seeing this transformed into a painting.
Willow has a beautiful smile!
Posted by
Don Francis
2:20 AM
Labels: Sarah Palin Oprah Photo
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Spectacular Wedding Photo
Posted by
Don Francis
10:50 AM
Labels: Spectacular Wedding Photo
My Favorite Texas Wedding Anniversary Photo
I just looked at several Texas wedding anniversary photos and I particularly liked this one.
The couple look really happy to be together.
The smiles are real.
They make marriage look like the joy it was supposed to be.
Posted by
Don Francis
8:44 AM
Saturday, October 31, 2009
worst oprah picture
This has to be the worst Oprah picture I have ever seen! I think she must have approved this to reveal her more comical side. Guys, beware the great and deceptive power of Make Up, coz this is what you may get when she wakes up in the mooorning!
Posted by
Don Francis
4:43 AM
Labels: worst oprah picture
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
40th Wedding Anniversary funnies
A man and a woman were married for 40 years. When they first got married the man said, "I am putting a box under the bed. You must promise never to look in it." In all their 40 years of marriage the woman never looked.
However on the afternoon of their 40th anniversary curiosity got the best of her and she lifted the lid and peeked inside. In the box were 3 empty beer bottles and $1954.25 in small bills. She closed the box and put it back under the bed. Now that she knew what was in the box, she was doubly curious as to why.
That evening they were out for a special dinner at their favorite restaurant. After dinner the woman could no longer contain her curiosity and she confessed, saying, "I am so sorry. For all these years I kept my promise and never looked. However today the temptation was too much and I gave in. But now I need to know why do you keep the bottles in the box?"
The man thought for a while and said, "I guess after all these wonderful years you deserve to know the truth: Whenever I was unfaithful to you I put an empty beer bottle in the box under the bed to remind myself not to do it again."
The woman was shocked, but said, "I am very disappointed and saddened, but I guess after all those years away from home on the road, temptation does happen. And I guess that 3 times is not that bad considering the years." They hugged and made their peace.
A little while later, the woman asked the man, "Why do you have all that money in the box?" To which the man answered, "Whenever the box filled with empties, I cashed them in."
Sadie and Benny were both 65 years old and were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary.
When all the family and guests had left their house, a fairy appeared from nowhere and said to them, “Congratulations, you two. I’m here to grant you both one wish each.”
Sadie said, “I want to travel around the world.”
The fairy waved her magic wand and POW – Sadie had tickets in her hand for a round the world cruise on a Cunard liner.
Then the fairy asked Benny what he wanted.
Benny replied. “I wish I had a wife 30 years younger than me."
So the fairy picked up her wand and POW – Benny was 95 years old!!
Posted by
Don Francis
9:46 AM
Labels: 40th anniversary curiosity
50th Wedding Anniversary: A collection of Jokes
A man was talking to his friend about what to do for his 50th wedding anniversary. The friend asked, "What did you do for your 25th?"
He said, "I took my wife to Tokyo."
The friend then asked, "What are you thinking about for your 50th?"
He said, "Well I was thinking of bringing her back."
A man and woman were recently celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
While cutting the cake, the wife was moved after seeing her husband’s eyes fill with tears.
The wife took his arm, and looked at him affectionately.
“I never knew you were so sentimental.” she whispered.
“No . . . No . . .” he said, choking back his tears, “That’s not it at all. Remember when your father found us in the barn and told me to either marry you or spend the next 50 years in jail?”
“Yes,” the wife replied. “I remember it like yesterday.”
“Well,” said the husband, “Today I would have be a free man.”
A couple was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
The man looks at his wife as asks “what would you like to do for our anniversary?”
She then replies “we could run upstairs and make love.”
He replies, “Make up your mind, we can’t do both.”
On their 50th wedding anniversary and during the banquet celebrating it, Tom was asked to give his friends a brief account of the benefits of a marriage of such long duration."Tell us Tom, just what is it you have learned from all those wonderful years with your wife?" Tom responds, "Well, I've learned that marriage is the best teacher of all. It teaches you loyalty, meekness, forbearance, self-restraint, forgiveness -- and a great many other qualities you wouldn't have needed if you'd stayed single."
A man and his wife were celebrating 50 years together.
Their three kids, all very successful, agreed to a Sunday dinner in their honor.
"Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad," gushed son number one.
"Sorry I'm running late. I had an emergency at the hospital with a patient, you know how it is, and didn't have time to get you a gift."
"Not to worry," said the father, "The important thing is that we're all together today."
Son number two arrived and announced, "You and Mom look great, Dad. I just flew in from Los Angeles between depositions and didn't have time to shop for you."
"It's nothing," said the father, "We're glad you were able to come."
Then the daughter arrived, "Hello and happy anniversary! I'm sorry, but my boss is sending me out of town and I was really busy packing so I didn't have time to get you anything."
After they had finished dessert, the father said, "There's something your mother and I have wanted to tell you for a long time."
"You see, we were very poor. Despite this, we were able to send each of you to college."
"Throughout the years your mother and I knew that we loved each other very much, but we just never found the time to get married."
The three children gasped and all said, "You mean we're bastards?"
"Yep," said the father, "And cheap ones too."
Shlomo and Rifka had now been married for 50 years and that night, after the celebrations were over, they were in bed and in a pretty romantic mood.
Rifka looked at Shlomo and said, "I remember when you used to kiss me every chance you had."
Shlomo felt a bit obliged, so he leaned over and gave her a gentle peck on the cheek.
Then Rifka said, "I also remember, Shlomo, when you used to hold my hand at every opportunity."Again feeling obliged, Shlomo gently placed his hand on hers.
Then Rifka said, "I also remember, Shlomo, when you used to nibble on my neck and sent chills up and down my spine. It was lovely."
This time, with a blank stare on his face, Shlomo got out of the bed and as he began to walk out of the bedroom, Rifka asked him, "Was it something I said, Shlomo, where are you going?"
Shlomo looked at Rifka and replied, "I'm going to the bathroom to get my teeth!"
Posted by
Don Francis
9:00 AM
Labels: they had finished dessert
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Personalised gifts: Online Opinions
"There is nothing quite like adding a bit of personality to a present, and by choosing a personalised gift, you can put a big smile on someone's face. A bespoke present shows that thought has gone into the purchase and it shows a level of intimacy. This type of gift can only be bought by someone who knows the person well and thankfully now there many ways you can create a personalised gift easily using photographs".
Opinion From Dominic Donaldson
"Personalisation is an essential part of any high-quality gift. All presents can be given that finishing touch, simply by adding the person’s initials, name, date or writing them a little message".
"By instilling some special sentimentality into a gift, the recipient can appreciate that item for the rest of their lives. Having a persons name engraved on any precious item not only adds to its value materially, but also shows a thoughtful touch. It is a way for you to show the effort you have made to select the perfect gift: something a person can cherish forever and always know who gave it to them".
Opinion From Jo Varley
About Mother's Day Gifts
"Finding a truely special Mother's Day Gift needn't be hard. Mothering Sunday, otherwise know as Mother's day is day to celebrate and honour mothers across the country. If like for me, your mother is your rock, your best friend and the person you turn to for support, through all your ups and downs, then showing your appreciation and love on Mother's Day is a must. Personalised Gifts are very special. As the name implies they are personalised so that it is specific for your mum. There's a huge array of personalised products in the market place to chose from so we are all in fact spoilt for choice".
Opinion From Linh Duong
Need to give someone a personalised gift? Get them a beautiful handmade painting on canvas
Posted by
Don Francis
10:55 AM
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Bea Arthur: Things she said
From Interview with Miriam DiNunzio of the Chicago Sun-Times in May 2001
“... I didn't know what that was about at all. I was asked to be in it by the composer of that song
[“Goodnight, But Not Goodbye”]…but I had no idea it was even a part of the whole Star Wars thing…I just remember singing to a bunch of people with funny heads.”
"Suddenly the whole country knew me. It was very odd and different," .........."Originally, I used to find myself running away from people and dodging them at restaurants. But I since have found that people who do come up and tell you they enjoy you and your performance, it's really very sweet."
Posted by
Don Francis
8:51 AM
Labels: Bea Arthur
Monday, April 27, 2009
Spring Studio Stroll
It’s called the Spring Studio Stroll, but I’m exhausted and frustrated. It was no stroll, but a marathon.
I started out a half hour after the doors opened at 11 a.m. Sunday and by 5:50 p.m., had finished visiting the last four venues missed on Friday night. But, I was racing and unhappy knowing I was missing a lot of worthwhile work and wanting to just enjoy. Argh.
The morning started at Art Explosion’s 744 Alabama St. location. Ah, wait a minute—just looking back at my notes and calling up an image of Ehren Elizabeth Reed’s 21 Moments of Indecision puts me in a better mood. It’s a 22” X 16 “ by 2.5” collage of cutout paper-doll figures.
It’s as delightful as her thread paintings, an “investigation of interpersonal relationships and how they are affected by technology.”
There was a lot of young energy in the building including Elizabeth Deters’s Femme Maison Houses and Andrea Slattery’s video installations. The latter show women performing simple tasks—making butterball cookies, crocheting, cross stitching—to produce what Slattery calls a kinetic meditative sculpture. See, this takes time.
Louise Bourgeois’s late 1940s series Femme Maison inspired Deter’s work. In Bourgeois’s time, women were trapped by their homes and Deter said she wanted to revisit that relationship
Down the hall, was Christopher Gonzalez-Crane’s Macondo will Never Leave Me. The acrylic, ink and pen painting has a Chagall playfulness; one fit for the town where the magical realism of Gabriel García Marquez took hold.
Anthony Augustin Papini, works in oil to paint animals, packed highways, and from his days in Santa Cruz a local bar at 1:30 a.m. The paintings are dark, intense, effective.
Also worth mentioning—and there were most likely many others—
Charles Kruger, who teaches high school in Richmond, Tony Maridakis, who has a series that started with a wire sculpture and from there moved to lines; Colleen Stockman, who does “anatomical landscapes” considering where our bodies “meet the landscape.” There was also Karen Slovak’s Barbershop oil and some cool jewelry that I had no time to look at seriously.
But let’s leave Art Explosion with the same playful sense I had on entering—with Steven Weinberg and Casey Scienzka’s Telephone and Soup Ongoing Projects. Missionites might know their shitty kitty series, but there’s more to like: Casey’s collages, Steven’s illustrations and more.
On to Project Artaud at 499 Alabama St. and its recently refurbished spectacularly light Theater Gallery. The live/work cooperative that’s been around since 1971 was full of photography, riffs on photos, printing and painting.
Ricky Weisbroth’s monotypes, linocuts and photo etchings were all lovely. I especially liked a 32” by 18” monotype, The Lightness of Being, and a photo etching of an the old woman in Peru.
Upstairs, Laurie Anderson’s series of ink, oil and gauche pieces were mixed with the found objects that inspired them. The book designer considers different uses for an object. Shapes, textures and ideas repeat through the pieces. I wanted more time with them.
Again, more photography—notably some conceptual work by Luis Delgado—and many others including a series of gouache on paper work by Kenneth Cooper.
At 1890 Bryant Studios, there was Chris Leib’s oil and canvas Breakfast. I wanted to take it home. Nowadays he’s working on a new narrative figure series that considers aesthetics.
Onto Michelle King’s finely executed paint and ink on aluminum nature studies, and her nearly transparent acrylics suggesting trees or other landscapes.
Jennifer Bloomer’s mixed media portraits of children or women against newspapers also stood out. I wanted to go back and see them again, but there wasn’t time. Her oil and graphite series Roads, has also stayed with me. They made me remember car trips with the kids and especially one in which we drove too late through the impossibly dark and forested roads of North Carolina.
My last stop was to see the big bold works by Catherine Mackey – the Loading Bays at Hunter’s Point featured on her card, but also her Salon and others.
We took a quick break at the Coffee Bar—excellent steak sandwiches, according to my husband and daughter. Ditto on the tomato soup. BTW, I forgot to mention the Universal Café in Friday’s post. It’s one of my long-standing favorite places.
Revived, we went to the final venue — Art Explosion at 2425 17th St near Potrero Ave. Immediately, I noticed Georgianne Fastaia’s large, evocative oils, part of a series celebrating the Orishas. Ah, an immigrant’s point of view, I thought. Yes, from Brooklyn, she said.
I also loved Kirsten Tradowsky’s water colors and oils; some looking like illustrations from 1950s elementary school textbooks; Carmen de la Mano’s Tocame series of landscapes in which she paints with plaster, covers it with wax and yes, you can touch it; and Angie Renfro’s Bees and Gabrielle Gambos’s Feral Children.
I ended with Megan Brady’s delightful collages that pay homage to the late Ray Johnson and his development of mail art—work sent to friends that can be sent on and on. Brady’s work inspires as well, and she asked those who dropped by to put their address on a piece of her work for later mailing. It was impossible to resist the chance to be part of her project.
Brady had not heard of Michael Kimmelman’s delightful book, the Accidental Masterpiece, in which he writes about Johnson and other unlikely masters. It’s perfect, however, for anyone who wants to extend the pleasure of seeing Mission District artists in their studios.
From missionlocal.org
Posted by
Don Francis
6:26 AM
Labels: Art Explosion
Actor Sam Huntington: Photo and News
- His mother's name is Christine Stabile
Huntington's first role was in the 1996 television movie Harvest of Fire, which starred Lolita Davidovich. He then appeared opposite Tim Allen in Disney's Jungle 2 Jungle the following year. Roles in the films Detroit Rock City, Not Another Teen Movie, Rolling Kansas, Home of Phobia, In Enemy Hands and River's End followed, alongside guest appearances on CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, Law & Order, and Veronica Mars.
He was also in the History Channel documentary The States when it covered New Hampshire.
He is sometimes confused with actor Paul Dano and vice versa.
Most recently, Huntington starred as Jimmy Olsen in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns. His next film is the comedy Fanboys.
From Wikipedia, 2009
Sam Huntington (Superman Returns) will star in ABC's upcoming comedy series "Cavemen," which is undergoing some retooling, says The Hollywood Reporter.
Huntington will play a new caveman character, Andy, who is the younger brother of Joel (Bill English). Andy, who lives in their small hometown, comes to Atlanta to visit his brother after breaking up with his girlfriend.
Andy will replace Jamie, Joel's easygoing little brother character played in the pilot by Dash Mihok.
Inspired by the popular Geico insurance commercials, "Cavemen" will continue to revolve around three modern cavemen -- Joel, Joel's younger brother and Joel's cynical best friend Nick (Nick Kroll) -- as they struggle to fit in the human-dominated society.
From Comingsoon.net, July 2007.
Jimmy Olsen has followed Clark Kent into the night. Sam Huntington, who played Jimmy Olsen in the 2006's "Superman Returns," is reuniting with the titular character Brandon Routh to star in a new comic book-based film.
"Dead of Night," based on the best-selling Italian comic book series by Tiziano Sclavi, will star Routh as Dylan Dog, a private investigator drawn into the world of vampires, werewolves and the undead.
From icelebz.com, March 2009
Personal quote about Fanboys (2009)
"I really like the trash chute," Huntington said. "I've been saying all day my favorite scene is the trash chute scene, the trash compactor scene. I think that's just really funny. I love that reference because that's, to me, one of the scenes that sticks out so much from Star Wars. The fact that we got to kind of recreate that, and the way it looks, the way the set was dressed, just down to everything I think was just really funny."
From Canmag.com, 2009
If you would like a photograph to be made into a painting, or a photo on canvas, or even a reproduction of an oil painting, Click the link painting on canvas below.
Turn your photo into a beautiful handmade painting on canvas
Posted by
Don Francis
4:23 AM
Labels: Christine Stabile